
Be who you want to be, not what others expect of you;

Truth prevails..

7 May 2013
.... The truth is, I really miss blogging a lot.

I remember that I used to spend my night almost everyday before I head to bed in front of the big screen before I even had my own laptop to just update my blog; I remember those days whenever I get excited and look forward to every night where I began blogging and telling about how my day went and if I've done anything special on that particular day itself that was worth to be told or shared with others; I remember where I used to use my blog as a means to express my inner feelings from rage, hatred, love, and everything else, not bothering whether I'll be judged or not; I remember where I used to share pictures of every special occasion that I went to or had; and most of all, I just miss blogging and writing about everything and that it all brings down to one particular thing: where it defines who I am. And how through blogging about my life and thoughts, that I've learnt to grow so much as a person by looking back at how I used to write and behave when I was younger back then. All in all, I feel that through blogging, it will aid one in finding themselves along the way in life and to grow more maturely in terms of speaking, writing and also to know what are the things that are appropriate to be said or shared and what are not. 

And in case you all do not know about this, I've actually started off as quite a young blogger at the age of 12 when I was still in primary school. I started off with my very first blog under where most of the blog layouts in my blog were genuinely done by my cousin sister, Esther back then when I was still young and naive. Then, as I've progressed to a more rebellious teenage stage, I've decided to close down that first blog of mine, partly one of the reasons is due to the content that my old blog was all about: my first puppy love whom I thought and claimed was my true love back then. I just find it how funny and silly that it even took me more than 5 year to realise that the puppy love that I had with a guy called A, in this case, was not even a true relationship after all. It was just a process of growing up and a stage that was just meant for me to go through before I finally understand what love really is in life. After that, I took various attempt by starting new blogs on different web host such as Xanga, as well as Tumblr. However, finally, I've come down to a final decision that I am going to somehow settle with blogging using Blogspot. So, I began creating a new website under around 16 years old before actually settling down with my current one just two years back to be precise. 

I really would like to head back to the blogging world for good one day, and not like this, so inconsistent that I don't even know when I'll actually blog again until those who were once my readers that followed me from the beginning began to think that I've stopped blogging completely and that they've given up on reading my blog as well. Ah, let's just say one of the reasons is because my life's been less interesting than how it used to be back then?:p hah, well, that's not entirely true. But to those who are actually reading this right now, I'll be back for good in blogging again in no time! Just believe me. You have my word ;)

Pics from recent to less recent x teeheh.

I know right, I just intentionally uploaded these few pictures particularly the ones with my oh-so-blurrified hand in action or either those that contains certain type of hand gesture. Just saying. ;)

Signing off,

KrystalH xx

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