
Be who you want to be, not what others expect of you;

Fast forward to Q2 of 2019

18 June 2019

...Where did all the time go? 

I know that I may have said this before, but honestly... it's 2019 already! Can you believe it?

I remember there was a blog post that was supposed to be updated a long, long time ago - back in 23 February 2017, where I was about to share details and experience of my first Chinese New Year celebration back at home here in Malaysia.. However, due to much overwhelming celebrations and feasting over the Chinese New Year celebrations coupled with my new occupation as an Associate for Debt Capital Markets department in an Investment Bank during end of February 2017, I would not deny that it was quite a handful for me to handle back then. Hence, which explains why I never got to update my blog from then... till now.

I am not sure how much or how little you guys are curious about my life. Or even whether there is anyone, let alone readers out there who would still stop by my blog every once in awhile to check-in this space.. But one thing for sure that I'm certain of, is that I want to keep this space alive, simply because I want to use this medium as a way for me to pen down every occasion, be it important, small or even the littlest things in life - I wish I wouldn't miss a chance of writing down how I felt about that particular moment then. I can comfortably say this probably because of the recent circumstances that I have had experienced so far, which may have convinced me that life is simply too short to care about what others think about you; BUT rather, you have to live your life to the fullest with the type of values, quality and things that you cherish most in life without looking back at regrets after.

I don't know why but I feel that for these past two years since 2017 (where I have left my blog), so much has happened, which I strongly feel that there were so many challenges I have faced which helped to mould me to the individual that I am now. I wouldn't say I have achieved a lot, but rather, it is the progression and self-development process which I can safely say that I am quite happy to witness of. If I were to look back at who I was two years ago who was still lost about life, career directions, uncertain about the future and always emotional about relationship etc, and fast-forward to where I am now - there is definitely quite a lot of hard work which I have invested there. The word "hard work" here simply doesn't refer to only the physical part invested on but also emotional, mental along with a lot of other factors i.e. people who were always so loving, caring, and supportive, mentors in life, and God who has never abandoned me at times when I see no light at the end of the tunnel, which have helped me arrive at this point in life where I call the present (18 JUNE 2019).

Let me just take baby steps.

I believe that after today, I may start investing a little more time here every now and then, subject to my time management. & again, I feel at the end of the day, it's all about how much something weighs more to you and what not. So it depends really on how I juggle with my daily life activities coupled with my job etc.

I hope this blog post has been quite a delightful one as a refresher for most of you, heh.

Till then,

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